Tyablt is a character from the play Romeo and Juliet, he is the cousin of Juliet and nephue to lady Capulet. Tybalt dies half way through the play and he is the reason why Romeo gets exiled and half the reason why both Romeo and Juliet die, so basically he ruines the happy ending of the story and he is reason why the play gets so good. The reason why Tybalt dies and Romeo gets exiled is that Tybalt challenged Mercrutio to a duel to the death with swords and Tybalt one and Mercrutio died, then Romeo kills Tybalt for killing Mercrutio and then the prince decides to exile Romeo because somebody needs to pay for Mercrutio's death because Mercrutio is a cousin to the Prince and the Prince was mad and fustrated about the whole thing so he exiled Romeo.

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